Thunderbolt Chicago Axe Throwing Pre-Opening

By Thunderbolt Chicago Axe Throwing (other events)

9 Dates Through Apr 15, 2017

Thunderbolt Chicago is having a pre-opening event!

Come learn to throw axes and see the new venue before any of the general public! Throw axes casually or compete with your friends. We provide instruction and will be present throughout your session for questions and advice.


Cost: $20+tax per person per hour.

Date: This Saturday, April 15, 2017

Time: Guests may book one-hour sessions running between noon and 10:00 pm. If you would like to play for more than one hour, please book twice.

Location: 4842 W Irving Park Road, Chicago, IL 60641

Make sure to choose the correct number of lanes to reserve. 2-4 people allowed per lane. See the below table:

1 Lane (2-4 People)

2 Lanes (4-8 People)

3 Lanes (6-12 People)

4 Lanes (8-16 People)

5 Lanes (10-20 People)

6 Lanes (12-24 People)

7 Lanes (14-28 People)

8 Lanes (16-32 People)

9 Lanes (18-36 People)

10 Lanes (20-40 People)

Additional Information:

Please wear flexible clothing, closed-toed shoes, and avoid heels.

Arrive fifteen minutes early in order to ensure time to sign waivers and set up before your hour begins.

"What if I want to come throw by myself?"  - Solo throwers will be allowed to play on a walk-in basis, but will not be able to make reservations. This pre-opening event will only be open to bookings of 2 people or more.